
What is a Slot?

Slot is an opening in a computer. It is also called an expansion slot because it allows a user to expand the capabilities of the computer by accepting an add-on board. Another example is a bay, which is a site inside the computer where disk drives can be installed. The most common locations for these slots are in the front and back of a computer. However, there are many other uses for the word slot. Here are some examples.


The word slot means “slave of technology.” This is a sexy and empowering term that refers to someone who cannot live without the latest and greatest electronic gadget. This definition applies to many urban teenagers, both guys and girls. This type of person is the opposite of a geek. They are obsessed with gadgets and can’t function without them. They may be a boy or a girl, but they all have one thing in common – they can’t do without the latest and greatest gadget.

In the world of electronics, SLOT stands for “slave of technology.” Slots are gadget addicts who can’t function without their gadgets. They are common amongst urban teenagers, and it is possible to identify with a slotter. A girl with this characteristic is a girl with a penchant for new toys and video games. A guy who is a SLOT is a person who enjoys a good game of Candy Crush.