Togle Review – Is Togle Right For You?


If you’re in the market for a new timekeeping software, consider Togle. This Estonian startup provides online time tracking and reporting services through mobile and desktop applications. Here are some of the reasons why you should give Togle a try. Also, check out our Togle review to learn more about its pros and cons. This software is free, so why not give it a shot? What’s it like? And how do you choose the right one?

Togle is a non-government company with registered offices in ROC-CHENNAI, India. While the name isn’t as easy to remember, the company’s website includes a biography of the founder. The company name, Togle, comes from the hyphenated word ‘toggling,’ which refers to turning on or off a device. It also enables users to search for items they want to purchase and print out invoices.

Toggling has many uses, including time tracking. First, start a timer, which you can do with a single click. Next, type in your activity to categorize it with a project. You can also categorize your activities using tags, tasks, and clients. This feature makes it easy to see how much time you spend doing each activity. Toggl is an excellent time management tool for students and freelancers alike.

Toggle is a technical term that can describe both hardware and software. Hardware toggles are keyboard keys, and they enable you to turn on a specific function. Software toggles, on the other hand, are software. Typically, software toggles are located in the application’s options menu and let users turn specific menu items on or off with the click of a button. You can use the same idea in software. Using the keyboard shortcut Alt+Tab, for instance, enables you to toggle between multiple programs.