A toggle is a switch that can be set to one of two different states or options. It is commonly used in technology, computing and programming to allow users to change settings quickly or to turn features on and off. It is also often used in web design to provide an option for users to change the appearance or look of the interface.
When designing a toggle, it is important to ensure that the current state of the toggle is clearly visible to the user through clear visual cues such as color, movement or iconography. It is also important to make sure that a toggle can be easily interacted with and that changes are delivered immediately to the user. It is recommended to avoid using toggles where the user would need to click a Save or Confirm button for the new state to be applied, as this can be confusing and can lead to errors.
Toggle should be designed to be accessible for users with disabilities, which means that it must have a consistent and understandable label and that the current state of the toggle can be easily identified by checking whether the toggle is in the on or off position. It is also important to avoid using low-contrast colors for toggle switches, as these can cause issues for some users, such as those with red/green color blindness.
Many teams use Feature Toggles to roll out new features in a controlled manner and to collect feedback before making them available to all users. This allows them to see how the feature is being received and makes it easy to make any necessary adjustments before releasing it to all users.