How Toggle Switches Are Made Accessible

A toggle is a switch that allows users to choose between two opposing states, like on and off. In software, toggles are commonly used to allow users to update settings, preferences, and other types of information. When properly implemented, toggle switches should be easy for users to understand and deliver immediate results.

Toggle switches can be made accessible by using different visual cues to differentiate between the two states. The most important thing is to have a clear label for the switch that describes what will happen if it is in the on position, and a clear description of its current state (e.g. “On” or “Off”).

Color is another common way to indicate a toggle’s current state. However, it is important to consider contrast and societal perceptions of color when choosing colors for toggles. For example, using red to denote an on state may not be as intuitive for users with a color vision deficiency.

Emmbossment is also a common visual cue for toggles, but it has been found to be unreliable as the primary indicator of active state. It should always be combined with a more prominent and consistent visual cue, such as a color fill or bold text.

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