
Designing a Toggle


A toggle is a switch that can be activated or deactivated. When it’s active it switches to one state or option and when it’s deactivated the switch is back to its original state. You can find toggles in everyday technology like computers, mobile phones and even a simple switch on a light bulb.

Toggles are often used for feature experimentation, allowing us to test how new functionality will be received by a segment of our audience before it’s rolled out across the entire site. They can also act as circuit breakers during times of high traffic, temporarily disabling non-essential features to mitigate latency issues.

The main thing to remember when designing a Toggle is that the switch needs to be clear and easy to understand. It’s important that the label of the toggle indicates clearly what it will do when it’s switched on – it should never be unclear what you are changing to when you click on the switch.

It’s also a good idea to use high contrast colours for the toggle switch, so that it is easy for users to tell what the state of the toggle is. This is especially important for those users who are colour blind and it can be difficult to distinguish low-contrast colours. It’s also a good idea to think about societal and cultural context when choosing which color to use, as some may be inappropriate for certain audiences. For example, red can be a negative trigger for many people and it’s best to avoid using this colour unless it is absolutely necessary.